Calendar of the future by deciphering the quatrains of Michel Nostradamus.
Michel Nostradamus (1503 -1566) - the great French astrologer, healer and prophet. He studied at the universities of Avignon and Montpellier. Bachelor of Medicine. He made a great contribution to…

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Extreme life forms can dwell in the universe.
To date, astronomers have discovered in the universe already a sufficient number of different planets - from hot worlds with hot surfaces to cold frozen ice balls. While the search…

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Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "Tungussky Meteorite"
Against the background of human life, the concept of "cosmic catastrophe" sounds somehow abstract, unreal. But just look at the photographs of the Moon, Mercury, Mars, the moons of Jupiter…


Ghost train from italy
Human perception is surprisingly gracious to its bearers. There is too much information in the world to accept and process it all, therefore every living being sees only what fits…

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prediction that

Riddle of the Celestial Metal Balls

The press has repeatedly reported mysterious metal balls that come across people in different parts of the world. In 1966, in the state of Arkansas (USA) several eyewitnesses observed how one such ball with a diameter of 28 centimeters fell from a completely clear sky. When the “flyer” was lifted, there were no signs of passing through the dense layers of the atmosphere or any damage on the ideally smooth surface of the ball. Continue reading

Mythical Creatures from Japan

Japan is an amazing country of contrasts, where the achievements of high technologies perfectly coexist with centuries-old traditions, and the magical gardens and temples – with skyscrapers, from one look at which is breathtaking. They say to know Japan is not enough for a lifetime. The unpredictability of the elements, geographical location and national character formed a kind of mythology with their own, sometimes so absurd, creatures whose image and purpose are paradoxical for Europeans to understand. Let’s take a look at what mythical creatures live in Japan according to their mythology! Continue reading

Nostradamus (prophet of European history)

On the 14th of December, 1503, in the Provencal town of San Remy, around noon, was born the most amazing of people ever living on earth. Michel Nostradamus, for whom the boundaries of time and space were not a reality and about which everyone who studied him was rightly said, therefore, that he lived, lives and will live for a long time.
Nostradamus inherited his surname from his father – notary Jacques – who was so baptized during the transition from Jewry to Christianity, several years after the birth of Michel. Continue reading

Several reasons not to believe in ghosts
Modern television and cinema are trying to convince us of the existence of the supernatural. Vampires, werewolves, witches, ghosts and other vermin from the stories of science fiction writers are…


Will the end of the world?
The feeling of the approaching catastrophe in our days has become so universal that it seems there is not a single person who would not have asked the question -…
