10 most popular theories explaining the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle
Over the years, various theories explaining the mysterious disappearances in the triangle between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico have accumulated a huge amount - from the most idiotic to quite…

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Riddle of the Celestial Metal Balls
The press has repeatedly reported mysterious metal balls that come across people in different parts of the world. In 1966, in the state of Arkansas (USA) several eyewitnesses observed how…

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The most famous hoaxes in the history of mankind
When something inexplicable happens in life, people often resort to a mystical interpretation of events. Witnesses and eyewitnesses of extraordinary phenomena invent mysterious theories and assumptions that are not supported…


Without asserting anything, I will give a couple of facts, testified by trustworthy people. The first certificate belongs to a deceased educated woman who spoke two foreign languages ​​in 1987.…

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big black dog

Mystery Beacon Eileen Mor

Eileen-Moore It would seem that an extraordinary thing could happen in a regular sea lighthouse? Rangers, as a rule, describe life here as incredibly boring and devoid of all kinds of entertainment. However, as evidenced by the facts, sometimes even ordinary boring lighthouses take place in rather unbelievable events, and sometimes the most real mystical extravaganzas are played out.
Mystery Beacon Eileen Mor Continue reading

Riddle of the Celestial Metal Balls

The press has repeatedly reported mysterious metal balls that come across people in different parts of the world. In 1966, in the state of Arkansas (USA) several eyewitnesses observed how one such ball with a diameter of 28 centimeters fell from a completely clear sky. When the “flyer” was lifted, there were no signs of passing through the dense layers of the atmosphere or any damage on the ideally smooth surface of the ball. Continue reading

Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: “Tungussky Meteorite”

Against the background of human life, the concept of “cosmic catastrophe” sounds somehow abstract, unreal. But just look at the photographs of the Moon, Mercury, Mars, the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, their face, “disfigured” by meteorite bombardments, as it becomes clear that cosmic catastrophes in the Solar System occur much more often than we suppose. The recent fall on Jupiter of the Shoemaker-Levy comet is direct evidence of this. The Earth, thanks to its dense atmosphere, is well protected from small meteoroids weighing tens and hundreds of kilograms. But what will happen if the Earth collides with an asteroid or a comet weighing a million tons? Continue reading

What traces leave the aliens
The aliens' research activity is accompanied by a visit to new planets, their satellites and asteroids for the purpose of scientific observations, as well as collecting samples from the natural…


Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "Tungussky Meteorite"
Against the background of human life, the concept of "cosmic catastrophe" sounds somehow abstract, unreal. But just look at the photographs of the Moon, Mercury, Mars, the moons of Jupiter…
