Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: “The Book of Veles”
The time has come for another unsolved mystery of the 20th century from our already half-lost series of secrets of the 20th century. The Veles Book is a written text first published in the 1950s by Russian emigrants Yu. P. Mirolyubov and Al. Kurom (A. A. Kurenkov) in San Francisco. According to the stories of Mirolyubov, he was written off from the wooden planks lost during the war, allegedly created around the 9th century. It contains legends, prayers, legends and stories about the ancient Slavic history from about the VII century BC. er until the ninth century n. er
Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: “The Book of Veles” Continue reading
Mysterious Gotland Troughs
Over a thousand stones scattered throughout the island of Gotland (Gotland), Sweden, in the middle of the Baltic Sea, differ from the rest of the cobblestones with unusual man-made grooves and grooves cut in the smooth and hard surface of the rock. Patterns are always found in groups of several markings engraved side by side, and differ in their length, depth, and width.
Mysterious Gotland Troughs Continue reading
Predictor from the Paris cemetery
The Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris is known to the whole world not only for its graceful statues and tombstones, but also for its mysterious mystical stories. The heroine of one of them for several centuries has been the Russian lady Elizaveta Demidova, the crypt of which is considered to be perhaps the main “attraction” of this last refuge of departed celebrities.
In the late 1950s, a student named Jacques was hit by a taxi in a street in Paris. The poor fellow died on the way to the hospital. It would seem that such an unusual thing in this event – something quite often happens in everyday life. Continue reading