Civilization from the planet Proserpine
Humanoid civilizations are widespread in space. One of these civilizations lives on the planet Proserpine, located on the outskirts of our galaxy. Proserpins are highly intelligent humanoids from 1.5 to…

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Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "The skull of a child of Taung"
Let's continue the series of articles on unsolved mysteries of the 20th century. This time about the found at the beginning of the last century, in 1924, during the excavations…

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Museum of ghosts and legends
The Museum of ghosts (Muzeum pražských pověstí a strašidel), located in Prague, will certainly attract the attention of all fans of mystical stories. The museum contains the most significant characters…


The most famous hoaxes in the history of mankind
When something inexplicable happens in life, people often resort to a mystical interpretation of events. Witnesses and eyewitnesses of extraordinary phenomena invent mysterious theories and assumptions that are not supported…

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Ten Famous Ghost Houses

Today in popular culture there is a surge of interest in paranormal phenomena. Ghosts, UFOs and Yeti are portrayed on the pages of newspapers and magazines almost more often than pop stars. Television programs on the work of psychics and mediums have high ratings.
In this regard, it is not surprising that haunted houses are especially popular with tourists: the mystical stories associated with a particular landmark add to its popularity. Continue reading

Wang – a symbol of the Unknown

(Wanga died on August 11, 1996 after a serious illness. Wanga died for two months. When she was brought to the intensive care unit of the government hospital in Sofia, she refused medical care and left everything to the will of God.) The doctors fed her intravenously. Last time she was in a coma. Before she died, she came to herself and said that she would give her whole gift to a girl from France. The girl should be ten soon, and not today or tomorrow, having received the Gift, will also become blind.)
In the south-west of Bulgaria, in the village of Rupite, near the town of Petrich, is her house. Little plump mistress is blind from childhood. It affects her dead, like a mask, face. Continue reading

The most interesting person of the XIX century

The most interesting personality of the XIX century, Russian writer, teacher, music critic Vladimir Fedorovich Odoyevsky (1803 – 1869), the last representative of the ancient princely family of the Rurik dynasty, the organizer of the Society of Lyubomudriya, publisher of the magazine “Mnemozina”, one of the founders of the magazine “Moscow Herald” and co-editor of Pushkin’s Sovremennik, assistant director of the St. Petersburg Public Library and director of the Rumyantsev Museum, enthusiastically collected various facts attributed to the category of superstition and prejudice. A part of the collected materials was published by the prince in the journal “Notes of the Fatherland” in the article “Sorcery of the XIX Century” in 1839.
Here are some cases. Continue reading

Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "The shooting of Russian Emperor Nicholas II and members of his family"
Dear friends, I would like to continue the series of unsolved mysteries of the XX century. This time I would like to tell you about the execution of Russian Emperor…


Last executed witch
When Anna Göldi, a forty-six-year-old resident of the Swiss city of Glarus, hired a servant in the house of local judge Jacob Chudi, she still didn’t know that she would…
