Mysterious Gotland Troughs
Over a thousand stones scattered throughout the island of Gotland (Gotland), Sweden, in the middle of the Baltic Sea, differ from the rest of the cobblestones with unusual man-made grooves…

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Whether we want it or not, a sense of the reality of what underlies these legends is absorbed by us before birth. And no matter how hard a person is…

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Nostradamus (prophet of European history)
On the 14th of December, 1503, in the Provencal town of San Remy, around noon, was born the most amazing of people ever living on earth. Michel Nostradamus, for whom…


Several reasons not to believe in ghosts
Modern television and cinema are trying to convince us of the existence of the supernatural. Vampires, werewolves, witches, ghosts and other vermin from the stories of science fiction writers are…

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future events

Mystery Beacon Eileen Mor

Eileen-Moore It would seem that an extraordinary thing could happen in a regular sea lighthouse? Rangers, as a rule, describe life here as incredibly boring and devoid of all kinds of entertainment. However, as evidenced by the facts, sometimes even ordinary boring lighthouses take place in rather unbelievable events, and sometimes the most real mystical extravaganzas are played out.
Mystery Beacon Eileen Mor Continue reading

Parallel Worlds

The idea of ​​the existence of parallel worlds became especially popular after astrophysicists proved that our Universe has limited dimensions — about 46 billion light years and a certain age — 13.8 billion years.
There are several questions at once. What is beyond the boundaries of the universe? What happened before its emergence from the cosmological singularity? How did the cosmological singularity come about? What awaits the universe in the future? Continue reading

Demonic White House Cat

The most terrible ghost of the White House in Washington is not considered to be the ghost of Lincoln or Jackson, but a ghost known as the Demon Cat, sometimes called simply DC. This incredible creature is immeasurably closer in its behavior to hellish forces than to ordinary ghosts.
Dwells otherworldly beast in the basement of the White House and in a room known as a crypt. Anyone who came across it claimed that it was a black creature with burning red eyes, which appears first as a cute black kitten, and then suddenly grows to enormous size, turning into an evil creature. Continue reading

Along with the considered methods of obtaining information about the remote present, past or future, methods are known, the identification of a rational basis of which is very difficult. The…


Several reasons not to believe in ghosts
Modern television and cinema are trying to convince us of the existence of the supernatural. Vampires, werewolves, witches, ghosts and other vermin from the stories of science fiction writers are…
