extremely superstitious
Ghost train from italy
Human perception is surprisingly gracious to its bearers. There is too much information in the world to accept and process it all, therefore every living being sees only what fits into the necessary picture of the world. So, the frog sees fast-moving objects of a certain form – flying flies, not noticing the smooth movements of a creeping snake. The power of the “central processor” of a person is much higher, and he will notice both the snake and the fly, but this does not mean that he will see and accept everything. Continue reading
Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: “Piri Reis Card”
The mystery of the mysterious Piri Reis map was not included in the series of articles about unsolved mysteries of the 20th century. We decided to correct this inaccuracy and tell you about this mysterious map. So, in 1929 a group of historians discovered an amazing map drawn on the skin of a gazelle. The study showed that this is an original document, drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, the famous admiral of the 16th century Turkish fleet. Continue reading
Demonic White House Cat
The most terrible ghost of the White House in Washington is not considered to be the ghost of Lincoln or Jackson, but a ghost known as the Demon Cat, sometimes called simply DC. This incredible creature is immeasurably closer in its behavior to hellish forces than to ordinary ghosts.
Dwells otherworldly beast in the basement of the White House and in a room known as a crypt. Anyone who came across it claimed that it was a black creature with burning red eyes, which appears first as a cute black kitten, and then suddenly grows to enormous size, turning into an evil creature. Continue reading