Several reasons not to believe in ghosts
Modern television and cinema are trying to convince us of the existence of the supernatural. Vampires, werewolves, witches, ghosts and other vermin from the stories of science fiction writers are…

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Extreme life forms can dwell in the universe.
To date, astronomers have discovered in the universe already a sufficient number of different planets - from hot worlds with hot surfaces to cold frozen ice balls. While the search…

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Predictor from the Paris cemetery
The Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris is known to the whole world not only for its graceful statues and tombstones, but also for its mysterious mystical stories. The heroine of…


Civilization from the planet Proserpine
Humanoid civilizations are widespread in space. One of these civilizations lives on the planet Proserpine, located on the outskirts of our galaxy. Proserpins are highly intelligent humanoids from 1.5 to…

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engine superstructure

Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: “The skull of a child of Taung”

Let’s continue the series of articles on unsolved mysteries of the 20th century. This time about the found at the beginning of the last century, in 1924, during the excavations near the South African village of Taung, the mysterious skull of a previously unknown creature.
Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: “The skull of the child Taung” Continue reading

Mysterious disappearance of people in Alaska

Why are almost two times more people lost in Alaska than living there? Local search and rescue teams conduct hundreds of operations each year, but do not find signs of people alive or dead, as if they almost literally dissolved in the air.
Alaska is, of course, a harsh place, but why are so many people and airplanes missing here and, moreover, why are most of these missing in one place?
In the so-called Alaska Triangle, which stretches from Juneau to Anchorage and in the north to the city of Barrow, more people have disappeared than anywhere else in the world. These are thousands of kilometers of lakes, wastelands and mountains with an ominous reputation. Continue reading

Ways of communication of civilizations

Energy matter flows from one region of outer space to another according to certain, but still little known, laws. Information, like the subtlest type of matter, is also capable of moving from one place to another, accumulating or dissipating, modifying or preserving for a long period in a conserved form in the deep layers of energy matter, especially in coarse matter (stones, solid objects).
Without the exchange of information, there is not and cannot be cosmic evolution. Everything in the world is in a continuous process of energy information exchange. Continue reading

Time travel - fantasy or reality?
In 1895, English science fiction writer Gerber Wells released the novel "The Time Machine." It presented an original idea: someday scientists will create a device that allows you to travel…


Ways of communication of civilizations
Energy matter flows from one region of outer space to another according to certain, but still little known, laws. Information, like the subtlest type of matter, is also capable of…
