Creepy Island Povela
In the north of Italy, in the Venetian lagoon near the island of Lido, is the abandoned island of Poveglia (Italian: Poveglia). Once it was built up with buildings and…

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Nostradamus (prophet of European history)
On the 14th of December, 1503, in the Provencal town of San Remy, around noon, was born the most amazing of people ever living on earth. Michel Nostradamus, for whom…

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Along with the considered methods of obtaining information about the remote present, past or future, methods are known, the identification of a rational basis of which is very difficult. The…


Scenario of the future development of human civilization
According to the author's research, the development of mankind in the next 150 years will be largely determined by the aggravation of the geo-critical situation on the planet in the…

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almost not palpable

On the nature of time and the study of the future

In our time, in order to explore the future, it is not at all necessary to be a prophet, as Michel Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce were all known at the time. It is not necessary for this to also have any supernatural, paranormal abilities from birth. The future, by virtue of its nature, itself opens its secrets to people when a certain period of historical development comes. At a time when biblical prophets and Michel Nostradamus lived, it was enough for people to know that the future exists against their will and that it is possible and necessary to predict. Continue reading

Riddle of the Stones Iki

On the Pacific coast of southeastern Peru is the Ica region, consisting of five provinces – Ica, Nazca, Pisco, Chincha and Palpa. These places are known since ancient times: the first settlers appeared there more than 10 thousand years ago. It was there that such ancient Indian cultures of the pre-Inca period flourished as Ica, Nazca and Paracas.
Some relics of these highly developed cultures are amazing. For example, mysterious drawings made on the soil in the Nazca desert are figures of people, animals, birds and fish of gigantic size. Continue reading

The most famous ghosts in the world

Territories where it is often possible to meet ghosts are described in all legends and stories in approximately the same way. The ghosts themselves can live in different parts of the world, including both Russia and all of Europe. And where exactly do all these almost mythical creatures live, which far from all people can see. Following the legends and legends, the most common places for their life are old and abandoned cemeteries, abandoned houses and castles, territories where any catastrophes occurred. According to experts in the field of parapsychology, most often spirits are found exactly where they were ever killed, because the place of death binds them for life. Continue reading

Apocalypse of the Black Sea and the fate of Mithridates VI Eupator
John the Theologian could not help hearing about the earthquake of the sixty-third year BC. This earthquake occurred on the territory of the modern Kerch Strait, that is, on the…


Ways of communication of civilizations
Energy matter flows from one region of outer space to another according to certain, but still little known, laws. Information, like the subtlest type of matter, is also capable of…
