What traces leave the aliens
The aliens' research activity is accompanied by a visit to new planets, their satellites and asteroids for the purpose of scientific observations, as well as collecting samples from the natural…

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Predictor from the Paris cemetery
The Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris is known to the whole world not only for its graceful statues and tombstones, but also for its mysterious mystical stories. The heroine of…

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Without asserting anything, I will give a couple of facts, testified by trustworthy people. The first certificate belongs to a deceased educated woman who spoke two foreign languages ​​in 1987.…


What traces leave the aliens
The aliens' research activity is accompanied by a visit to new planets, their satellites and asteroids for the purpose of scientific observations, as well as collecting samples from the natural…

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visitors watching

Riddle of the Celestial Metal Balls

The press has repeatedly reported mysterious metal balls that come across people in different parts of the world. In 1966, in the state of Arkansas (USA) several eyewitnesses observed how one such ball with a diameter of 28 centimeters fell from a completely clear sky. When the “flyer” was lifted, there were no signs of passing through the dense layers of the atmosphere or any damage on the ideally smooth surface of the ball. Continue reading

Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: “Philadelphia experiment with the ship”

Let’s continue the series of articles on unsolved mysteries of the 20th century. This time let’s talk about the experiment to create an invisible warship. On a gloomy October morning in 1943 in the protected area of ​​the Philadelphia naval base was the destroyer Eldridge, the tail number “DE 173”. Specialists from the Naval Research Department of the US Navy decided to use it for the secret experiment “Rainbow”. Based on the Unified Field Theory, developed by Albert Einstein, they created an electromagnetic system capable of making the ship invisible. Continue reading

The most famous hoaxes in the history of mankind

When something inexplicable happens in life, people often resort to a mystical interpretation of events. Witnesses and eyewitnesses of extraordinary phenomena invent mysterious theories and assumptions that are not supported by any serious facts.
And the secret here is that most people like to believe in something mysterious. How can you not remember the famous phrase: “I know that this is so, and please, do not fool me with your own facts.” Today we will look at well-known errors and myths that have not been tested for strength. This article will appeal not only to history lovers, but also to those who like interesting life stories. Continue reading

What traces leave the aliens
The aliens' research activity is accompanied by a visit to new planets, their satellites and asteroids for the purpose of scientific observations, as well as collecting samples from the natural…


Riddle of the Stones Iki
On the Pacific coast of southeastern Peru is the Ica region, consisting of five provinces - Ica, Nazca, Pisco, Chincha and Palpa. These places are known since ancient times: the…
