Ghost train from italy
Human perception is surprisingly gracious to its bearers. There is too much information in the world to accept and process it all, therefore every living being sees only what fits…

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Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "Piri Reis Card"
The mystery of the mysterious Piri Reis map was not included in the series of articles about unsolved mysteries of the 20th century. We decided to correct this inaccuracy and…

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Without asserting anything, I will give a couple of facts, testified by trustworthy people. The first certificate belongs to a deceased educated woman who spoke two foreign languages ​​in 1987.…


The role and place of accessories
It was noticed that the named effects manifest themselves, the methods “work” only for the time being and since the frame, the vine or the pendulum are subject to the…

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Last executed witch

When Anna Göldi, a forty-six-year-old resident of the Swiss city of Glarus, hired a servant in the house of local judge Jacob Chudi, she still didn’t know that she would soon go down in history in a very sad way: to become the last woman in Europe executed on charges of witchcraft.
Last executed witch
It may surprise someone that the last such incident occurred in Switzerland, a country that today is seen as a kingdom of order, law and tranquility. However, we must bear in mind that such a reputation of Switzerland has developed only in the last two hundred years. Continue reading

Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: “Piri Reis Card”

The mystery of the mysterious Piri Reis map was not included in the series of articles about unsolved mysteries of the 20th century. We decided to correct this inaccuracy and tell you about this mysterious map. So, in 1929 a group of historians discovered an amazing map drawn on the skin of a gazelle. The study showed that this is an original document, drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, the famous admiral of the 16th century Turkish fleet. Continue reading

What traces leave the aliens

The aliens’ research activity is accompanied by a visit to new planets, their satellites and asteroids for the purpose of scientific observations, as well as collecting samples from the natural environment, performing instrumental measurements and some experiments, often inaccessible to our understanding.
Planet Earth, like the other planets of our solar system, is regularly visited by aliens. It is known that at least 70 civilizations from different worlds illegally visit the Earth at least once a year, trying to exert minimal influence on people and nature as a whole. Separate civilizations from among the main curators are constantly on duty on Earth, tracking dangerous situations in hot spots and conducting continuous environmental monitoring of the entire surface of the planet. Continue reading

The role and place of accessories
It was noticed that the named effects manifest themselves, the methods “work” only for the time being and since the frame, the vine or the pendulum are subject to the…


Mythical creatures from Africa
For centuries, Africa remained for Europeans unknown mysterious continent. It was believed that ancient creatures could still live on the "black" continent, and that is why numerous scientific expeditions were…
