Five great mysteries of human history
1. The Lost Atlantis Five great mysteries of human history Lost Atlantis is one of the oldest and most disturbing mysteries of minds. Since ancient times, people have tried to…

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The most famous hoaxes in the history of mankind
When something inexplicable happens in life, people often resort to a mystical interpretation of events. Witnesses and eyewitnesses of extraordinary phenomena invent mysterious theories and assumptions that are not supported…

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Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "The Book of Veles"
The time has come for another unsolved mystery of the 20th century from our already half-lost series of secrets of the 20th century. The Veles Book is a written text…


Parallel Worlds
The idea of ​​the existence of parallel worlds became especially popular after astrophysicists proved that our Universe has limited dimensions — about 46 billion light years and a certain age…

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family tomb

Extreme life forms can dwell in the universe.

To date, astronomers have discovered in the universe already a sufficient number of different planets – from hot worlds with hot surfaces to cold frozen ice balls.
While the search continues for planets that are similar in their characteristics to our Earth, new research proves that life can exist in conditions that are significantly different from those on earth.
“When we talk about habitable planets, we mean the worlds where there is liquid water,” says Stephen Kane, a scientist at NASA’s Exoplanet Science Institute at Pasadena, California. – The planet should be at such a distance from its sun, where it is not too hot and not too cold. This area is called the “habitable zone” (habitable zone) and depends on the size and type of the star. ” Continue reading

What traces leave the aliens

The aliens’ research activity is accompanied by a visit to new planets, their satellites and asteroids for the purpose of scientific observations, as well as collecting samples from the natural environment, performing instrumental measurements and some experiments, often inaccessible to our understanding.
Planet Earth, like the other planets of our solar system, is regularly visited by aliens. It is known that at least 70 civilizations from different worlds illegally visit the Earth at least once a year, trying to exert minimal influence on people and nature as a whole. Separate civilizations from among the main curators are constantly on duty on Earth, tracking dangerous situations in hot spots and conducting continuous environmental monitoring of the entire surface of the planet. Continue reading

Predictor from the Paris cemetery

The Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris is known to the whole world not only for its graceful statues and tombstones, but also for its mysterious mystical stories. The heroine of one of them for several centuries has been the Russian lady Elizaveta Demidova, the crypt of which is considered to be perhaps the main “attraction” of this last refuge of departed celebrities.
In the late 1950s, a student named Jacques was hit by a taxi in a street in Paris. The poor fellow died on the way to the hospital. It would seem that such an unusual thing in this event – something quite often happens in everyday life. Continue reading

Demonic White House Cat
The most terrible ghost of the White House in Washington is not considered to be the ghost of Lincoln or Jackson, but a ghost known as the Demon Cat, sometimes…


Parallel Worlds
The idea of ​​the existence of parallel worlds became especially popular after astrophysicists proved that our Universe has limited dimensions — about 46 billion light years and a certain age…
