10 most popular theories explaining the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle
Over the years, various theories explaining the mysterious disappearances in the triangle between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico have accumulated a huge amount - from the most idiotic to quite…

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Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "Tungussky Meteorite"
Against the background of human life, the concept of "cosmic catastrophe" sounds somehow abstract, unreal. But just look at the photographs of the Moon, Mercury, Mars, the moons of Jupiter…

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Calendar of the future by deciphering the quatrains of Michel Nostradamus.
Michel Nostradamus (1503 -1566) - the great French astrologer, healer and prophet. He studied at the universities of Avignon and Montpellier. Bachelor of Medicine. He made a great contribution to…


Extreme life forms can dwell in the universe.
To date, astronomers have discovered in the universe already a sufficient number of different planets - from hot worlds with hot surfaces to cold frozen ice balls. While the search…

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geopathogenic zones

On the nature of time and the study of the future

In our time, in order to explore the future, it is not at all necessary to be a prophet, as Michel Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce were all known at the time. It is not necessary for this to also have any supernatural, paranormal abilities from birth. The future, by virtue of its nature, itself opens its secrets to people when a certain period of historical development comes. At a time when biblical prophets and Michel Nostradamus lived, it was enough for people to know that the future exists against their will and that it is possible and necessary to predict. Continue reading

Mysterious disappearance of people in Alaska

Why are almost two times more people lost in Alaska than living there? Local search and rescue teams conduct hundreds of operations each year, but do not find signs of people alive or dead, as if they almost literally dissolved in the air.
Alaska is, of course, a harsh place, but why are so many people and airplanes missing here and, moreover, why are most of these missing in one place?
In the so-called Alaska Triangle, which stretches from Juneau to Anchorage and in the north to the city of Barrow, more people have disappeared than anywhere else in the world. These are thousands of kilometers of lakes, wastelands and mountains with an ominous reputation. Continue reading

Will the end of the world?
The feeling of the approaching catastrophe in our days has become so universal that it seems there is not a single person who would not have asked the question -…


Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "Tungussky Meteorite"
Against the background of human life, the concept of "cosmic catastrophe" sounds somehow abstract, unreal. But just look at the photographs of the Moon, Mercury, Mars, the moons of Jupiter…
