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Ghost train from italy

Human perception is surprisingly gracious to its bearers. There is too much information in the world to accept and process it all, therefore every living being sees only what fits into the necessary picture of the world. So, the frog sees fast-moving objects of a certain form – flying flies, not noticing the smooth movements of a creeping snake. The power of the “central processor” of a person is much higher, and he will notice both the snake and the fly, but this does not mean that he will see and accept everything. So, objects that are not similar to anything familiar, or unimportant at the moment, are simply crossed out by the brain during the processing of the visual signal – this is called the “blind spot” effect. On the one hand, it is very convenient. So, for example, we do not see the advertising line running across the TV screen, if we are passionate about the film, but on the other hand, it can play a bad joke with us. The fact is that the “blind spot” effect extends not only to the vision, but also to perception in general, and this applies to all of humanity as a whole.
July 14, 1911 from the Roman railway station in the “cruise”, arranged by the company “Sanetti” for the rich Italians, the pleasure train left.
106 passengers viewed the sights surrounding the new stretch of road. The train was approaching a super-long, kilometer-long tunnel by the standards of the beginning of the 20th century. The train entered the tunnel, but on the other hand did not appear. It was not found during the inspection of the tunnel. It should be noted that this tunnel is not at all like, for example, the Moscow metro, where not only a train, but also a couple of stations with a siding can easily disappear. No, it’s just a kilometer tube with rails, which has no branches and can be seen through. However, the train disappeared without a trace.
Aroused railway workers conducted a thorough inspection of the tunnel, but they also did not find any traces of the crash. Instead, two passengers were found from the missing composition. They were in a state of deep shock. After some time, having come to their senses, they were able to tell that everything around the train was suddenly covered with a milky-white fog. As they approached the tunnel, it grew thick and turned into a viscous liquid … Then they were gripped by a terrible panic attack and they jumped out on the move, since they were in the vestibule of the carriage. The remaining passengers clearly did not have time to follow their example. The victims had long suffered from sleep disorders and other psychological abnormalities caused by severe stress, but then gradually returned to normal. The train never arrived.
The Italian railway services, frightened by the precedent, preferred to close the tunnel for traffic and even blocked the entrances with stones. During the war, his vaults collapsed a bomb, forever burying this riddle.
Here is a mysterious story. Its reliability does not cause the slightest doubt even among the most inveterate skeptics – everything is documented and there were hundreds of witnesses. Yes, and the loss of more than a hundred wealthy and respected Italians at that time could not help but cause the strongest public resonance. However, such was not followed. Several local newspapers published a couple of notes of indistinct content, the world press devoted a couple of lines to this – and that was that. How cut off. The case hastily surrendered to the archive and no longer remembered about it. Why?
Supporters of the “world conspiracy” theory will immediately sit down on their favorite skate and start talking about the omnipotence of the special services and the secret world conspiracy of silence, but … It was 1911 and 36 years remained before the appearance of the “ufological alliance”. Yes, and no one tried to ban the investigation or publication about him. Everything died down by itself – too great was the shock of the complete lack of explanation of what happened. Not even a sound hypothesis was expressed. Here is a tunnel – here is a train – dozens of people saw how the train entered the tunnel – the train did not appear at the exit – it is not inside the tunnel … Any attempt to talk on this topic resembles dividing by zero using a pocket calculator: except for the ERROR inscription, you won’t wait . Blind spot of consciousness.
Our picture of the world is empirical — that is, based on life experience. As his own, received directly, and on someone else, indirectly perceived through books and school lessons. In this case, we do not always need a theoretical justification – the fact that apples fall down was known to Newton. The picture of the world is quite holistic and logical – a brick released from the hands will hurt painfully to the foot, no matter how much we throw it. But if a hundred bricks fall down, and one hundred and first unexpectedly rushes to heaven, then our picture of the world is no good. It is obvious. The missing train is a vivid example of the most notorious brick with vertical takeoff. However, the picture of the world has not changed – they simply tried to forget the puncture in it. Blind spot.
Interestingly, the story of the train has an unexpected continuation. The three-carriage ghost appeared … not far from the village of Zavalichy, Poltava region, at the crossing of the station supervisor, Pyotr Grigorievich Ustimenko.

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