Five great mysteries of human history
1. The Lost Atlantis Five great mysteries of human history Lost Atlantis is one of the oldest and most disturbing mysteries of minds. Since ancient times, people have tried to…

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Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "The Mystery of the Loch Ness Monster (Nessie)"
A lot of time has passed since the last article in the unsolved mystery series of the 20th century was published, the editors of our site decided to continue this…

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Mysterious Gotland Troughs
Over a thousand stones scattered throughout the island of Gotland (Gotland), Sweden, in the middle of the Baltic Sea, differ from the rest of the cobblestones with unusual man-made grooves…


Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "The skull of a child of Taung"
Let's continue the series of articles on unsolved mysteries of the 20th century. This time about the found at the beginning of the last century, in 1924, during the excavations…

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still looking

Several reasons not to believe in ghosts

Modern television and cinema are trying to convince us of the existence of the supernatural. Vampires, werewolves, witches, ghosts and other vermin from the stories of science fiction writers are transferred not only to TV screens, but also into our consciousness.
Some people on the mainstream wave just fall in love with pale-faced fanged heroes, while others, more impressively, begin to be even more afraid of flashing lights, incomprehensible sounds and darkness. Continue reading

The most famous ghosts in the world

Territories where it is often possible to meet ghosts are described in all legends and stories in approximately the same way. The ghosts themselves can live in different parts of the world, including both Russia and all of Europe. And where exactly do all these almost mythical creatures live, which far from all people can see. Following the legends and legends, the most common places for their life are old and abandoned cemeteries, abandoned houses and castles, territories where any catastrophes occurred. According to experts in the field of parapsychology, most often spirits are found exactly where they were ever killed, because the place of death binds them for life. Continue reading

Predictor from the Paris cemetery
The Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris is known to the whole world not only for its graceful statues and tombstones, but also for its mysterious mystical stories. The heroine of…


Whether we want it or not, a sense of the reality of what underlies these legends is absorbed by us before birth. And no matter how hard a person is…
