Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "The skull of a child of Taung"
Let's continue the series of articles on unsolved mysteries of the 20th century. This time about the found at the beginning of the last century, in 1924, during the excavations…

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Ways of communication of civilizations
Energy matter flows from one region of outer space to another according to certain, but still little known, laws. Information, like the subtlest type of matter, is also capable of…

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Time travel - fantasy or reality?
In 1895, English science fiction writer Gerber Wells released the novel "The Time Machine." It presented an original idea: someday scientists will create a device that allows you to travel…


Scenario of the future development of human civilization
According to the author's research, the development of mankind in the next 150 years will be largely determined by the aggravation of the geo-critical situation on the planet in the…

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clinical death

Extreme life forms can dwell in the universe.

To date, astronomers have discovered in the universe already a sufficient number of different planets – from hot worlds with hot surfaces to cold frozen ice balls.
While the search continues for planets that are similar in their characteristics to our Earth, new research proves that life can exist in conditions that are significantly different from those on earth.
“When we talk about habitable planets, we mean the worlds where there is liquid water,” says Stephen Kane, a scientist at NASA’s Exoplanet Science Institute at Pasadena, California. – The planet should be at such a distance from its sun, where it is not too hot and not too cold. This area is called the “habitable zone” (habitable zone) and depends on the size and type of the star. ” Continue reading

Ways of communication of civilizations

Energy matter flows from one region of outer space to another according to certain, but still little known, laws. Information, like the subtlest type of matter, is also capable of moving from one place to another, accumulating or dissipating, modifying or preserving for a long period in a conserved form in the deep layers of energy matter, especially in coarse matter (stones, solid objects).
Without the exchange of information, there is not and cannot be cosmic evolution. Everything in the world is in a continuous process of energy information exchange. Continue reading

Civilization from the planet Proserpine

Humanoid civilizations are widespread in space. One of these civilizations lives on the planet Proserpine, located on the outskirts of our galaxy. Proserpins are highly intelligent humanoids from 1.5 to 2.5 meters tall. Among them, both men and women, thin-boned individuals, pronounced asthenic (quickly tired), lean and refined, differ.
Their skin has a greenish tint due to the lack of sunlight on the planet. The eyes are greenish-yellow, rather large and prominent. The bones of the facial skull are thin, connected by cartilage, lip rollers of a slightly pink color. Continue reading

Ten Famous Ghost Houses
Today in popular culture there is a surge of interest in paranormal phenomena. Ghosts, UFOs and Yeti are portrayed on the pages of newspapers and magazines almost more often than…


Without asserting anything, I will give a couple of facts, testified by trustworthy people. The first certificate belongs to a deceased educated woman who spoke two foreign languages ​​in 1987.…
