Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "The shooting of Russian Emperor Nicholas II and members of his family"
Dear friends, I would like to continue the series of unsolved mysteries of the XX century. This time I would like to tell you about the execution of Russian Emperor…

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Ten Famous Ghost Houses
Today in popular culture there is a surge of interest in paranormal phenomena. Ghosts, UFOs and Yeti are portrayed on the pages of newspapers and magazines almost more often than…

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Parallel Worlds
The idea of ​​the existence of parallel worlds became especially popular after astrophysicists proved that our Universe has limited dimensions — about 46 billion light years and a certain age…


About the "end of the world."
Rumors about the upcoming lightning apocalypse, of course, did not arise from scratch. The ancient Mayan people considered time as cycles of 5,125 years each. The beginning of the last…

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famous astrophysicist

Time travel – fantasy or reality?

In 1895, English science fiction writer Gerber Wells released the novel “The Time Machine.” It presented an original idea: someday scientists will create a device that allows you to travel into the past and future, perhaps even interfere in the course of history. Since then, this idea is haunted by many. And she has already led physicists to the discovery, which without exaggeration can be called sensational.
The first prerequisites for the study of the theoretical possibility of time travel appeared after Albert Einstein formulated the provisions of the special and general theories of relativity. Continue reading

Parallel Worlds
The idea of ​​the existence of parallel worlds became especially popular after astrophysicists proved that our Universe has limited dimensions — about 46 billion light years and a certain age…


Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "Philadelphia experiment with the ship"
Let's continue the series of articles on unsolved mysteries of the 20th century. This time let's talk about the experiment to create an invisible warship. On a gloomy October morning…
