Creepy Island Povela
In the north of Italy, in the Venetian lagoon near the island of Lido, is the abandoned island of Poveglia (Italian: Poveglia). Once it was built up with buildings and…

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Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "The Book of Veles"
The time has come for another unsolved mystery of the 20th century from our already half-lost series of secrets of the 20th century. The Veles Book is a written text…

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Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "Tungussky Meteorite"
Against the background of human life, the concept of "cosmic catastrophe" sounds somehow abstract, unreal. But just look at the photographs of the Moon, Mercury, Mars, the moons of Jupiter…


Prophecies of the Yorkshire Witch
Predictions have always interested mankind, but ordinary people have always been admired by the gift of a soothsayer and fear, sometimes turning into hatred. Not passed this cup and Mother…

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been revealed

Last executed witch

When Anna Göldi, a forty-six-year-old resident of the Swiss city of Glarus, hired a servant in the house of local judge Jacob Chudi, she still didn’t know that she would soon go down in history in a very sad way: to become the last woman in Europe executed on charges of witchcraft.
Last executed witch
It may surprise someone that the last such incident occurred in Switzerland, a country that today is seen as a kingdom of order, law and tranquility. However, we must bear in mind that such a reputation of Switzerland has developed only in the last two hundred years. Continue reading

Heiro’s Predictions

Count Louis Hamon is one of the most prominent clairvoyants of the nineteenth century. His real name is William John Warner, which he changed after he discovered the gift of clairvoyance. He became famous under the name of Heiro, which is translated from the Latin as “hand”.
John was born on November 1, 1866 in the Irish town of Bray (Bray) near Dublin. His father was an English businessman, his mother was a French gypsy. Already in his youth, John had discovered the unusual ability to “read” along the lines on the palms of his classmates and teachers, and in 10 years he wrote a book on palmistry.
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Extreme life forms can dwell in the universe.

To date, astronomers have discovered in the universe already a sufficient number of different planets – from hot worlds with hot surfaces to cold frozen ice balls.
While the search continues for planets that are similar in their characteristics to our Earth, new research proves that life can exist in conditions that are significantly different from those on earth.
“When we talk about habitable planets, we mean the worlds where there is liquid water,” says Stephen Kane, a scientist at NASA’s Exoplanet Science Institute at Pasadena, California. – The planet should be at such a distance from its sun, where it is not too hot and not too cold. This area is called the “habitable zone” (habitable zone) and depends on the size and type of the star. ” Continue reading

Mysterious Gotland Troughs
Over a thousand stones scattered throughout the island of Gotland (Gotland), Sweden, in the middle of the Baltic Sea, differ from the rest of the cobblestones with unusual man-made grooves…


Riddle of the Stones Iki
On the Pacific coast of southeastern Peru is the Ica region, consisting of five provinces - Ica, Nazca, Pisco, Chincha and Palpa. These places are known since ancient times: the…
