Extreme life forms can dwell in the universe.
To date, astronomers have discovered in the universe already a sufficient number of different planets - from hot worlds with hot surfaces to cold frozen ice balls. While the search…

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Prophecies of the Yorkshire Witch
Predictions have always interested mankind, but ordinary people have always been admired by the gift of a soothsayer and fear, sometimes turning into hatred. Not passed this cup and Mother…

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Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "The Mystery of the Loch Ness Monster (Nessie)"
A lot of time has passed since the last article in the unsolved mystery series of the 20th century was published, the editors of our site decided to continue this…


Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "The Book of Veles"
The time has come for another unsolved mystery of the 20th century from our already half-lost series of secrets of the 20th century. The Veles Book is a written text…

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stairs appeare

Ten Famous Ghost Houses

Today in popular culture there is a surge of interest in paranormal phenomena. Ghosts, UFOs and Yeti are portrayed on the pages of newspapers and magazines almost more often than pop stars. Television programs on the work of psychics and mediums have high ratings.
In this regard, it is not surprising that haunted houses are especially popular with tourists: the mystical stories associated with a particular landmark add to its popularity. Continue reading

Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "The skull of a child of Taung"
Let's continue the series of articles on unsolved mysteries of the 20th century. This time about the found at the beginning of the last century, in 1924, during the excavations…


Extreme life forms can dwell in the universe.
To date, astronomers have discovered in the universe already a sufficient number of different planets - from hot worlds with hot surfaces to cold frozen ice balls. While the search…
