Time travel - fantasy or reality?
In 1895, English science fiction writer Gerber Wells released the novel "The Time Machine." It presented an original idea: someday scientists will create a device that allows you to travel…

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Extreme life forms can dwell in the universe.
To date, astronomers have discovered in the universe already a sufficient number of different planets - from hot worlds with hot surfaces to cold frozen ice balls. While the search…

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Divination: superstition or knowledge?
Our world is the house in which our ancestors lived, we live, our children will live ... However, considering the cultural heritage of the ancestors, we are far from always…


Mythical Creatures from Japan
Japan is an amazing country of contrasts, where the achievements of high technologies perfectly coexist with centuries-old traditions, and the magical gardens and temples - with skyscrapers, from one look…

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About the “end of the world.”

Rumors about the upcoming lightning apocalypse, of course, did not arise from scratch. The ancient Mayan people considered time as cycles of 5,125 years each. The beginning of the last such cycle falls on August 13, 3113 AD, and the end, respectively, on December 23, 2012. In my opinion, some researchers irresponsibly provided the advantage of such a rhythm of time compared to other cycles. The same Maya had a different cycle, which began in 3154 BC. and had a duration of 8,000 years. Consequently, if we count the time according to this cycle, then the “end of the world” falls on AD 4846. There is, for example, another cycle lasting for 20096 years, after which a cardinal change occurs in a person with such attendant phenomena as natural disasters and other troubles. This cycle began in 17548 BC, and will end in 2548 AD. But an outstanding Ukrainian scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences Nikolai Chmykhov proved the existence of a 9576-year cycle, which should end according to his calculations in 2015. However, this last year of the cycle, the author of the theory considered not the “end of the world”, but the beginning of the transition of mankind to a new state, when it becomes more spiritual and more receptive to cosmic energies.
Consequently, the Mayan cycle is just one of many cycles known to modern researchers, each of which has its own specific time duration and “starting point”. One of the most recognized today by most modern researchers in the history of cycles is the cycle of the precession of the earth’s axis, which is equal to 25,920 years. Its beginning falls on the World Flood, which shook the planet in 10800 BC, and the end – in 15120 AD. Therefore, as scientists prove, we are still very, very far from the present until the “doomsday”. So far that until this time, mankind has quietly colonized the asteroid belt, Mars, Venus, the Moon, satellites of giant planets, settled on many planets of our Galaxy and will begin to master other dimensions of space-time through “black holes”. The question is: in what corner of the Universe, which will exist according to astrophysicists’ calculations, still, at least 22 billion years, should we expect a “doomsday”?
In The Secret Doctrine, the founder of contemporary mystery studies, Helena Blavatsky, wrote about so-called “racial cycles” lasting 1,560,000 years, which were known to ancient Hindus. According to the concept of such cycles, according to the writer, in 560 thousand years we will become a “radiant humanity” – an organized community of spherical intelligent creatures from hot plasma that will live on land, underground and under water, as well as in outer space. And after 2 million 120 thousand years, earthly civilization will be dispersed throughout the universe in the form of giant spheres of cold plasma created by the intellect and spirit of billions of intelligent beings. These space-giant spheres will feed on the energy of the depths of distant planets and send their individual “grain of the spirit” (the consciousness of intelligent beings who once lived on Earth, and therefore our consciousness) with you to explore parallel worlds and other dimensions of spacetime . And then the “end of the world” in the full sense of the word will happen, when humanity is transformed into something that today it is difficult for us to even imagine.
But the concept of ether-dynamic cycles of the modern Russian researcher Alexander Pleshanov generally admits that in the period from 2041 to 2468 every 92 years, the Earth will undergo a “cleansing” by large-scale floods, earthquakes, droughts, epidemics. Therefore, people of the planet Earth in 2012, and in 3012 and in 4012, you can sleep peacefully. There will be no “end of the world”. The maximum that awaits us in 2012 is the serious consequences of global warming in the form of typhoons, floods and tropical storms in America, South and West Asia. Partial flooding of the coast of Northern Europe is possible. And more accelerated melting of glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic.

Last executed witch
When Anna Göldi, a forty-six-year-old resident of the Swiss city of Glarus, hired a servant in the house of local judge Jacob Chudi, she still didn’t know that she would…


Mythical creatures from Africa
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