Nostradamus (prophet of European history)
On the 14th of December, 1503, in the Provencal town of San Remy, around noon, was born the most amazing of people ever living on earth. Michel Nostradamus, for whom…

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Without asserting anything, I will give a couple of facts, testified by trustworthy people. The first certificate belongs to a deceased educated woman who spoke two foreign languages ​​in 1987.…

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Civilization from the planet Proserpine
Humanoid civilizations are widespread in space. One of these civilizations lives on the planet Proserpine, located on the outskirts of our galaxy. Proserpins are highly intelligent humanoids from 1.5 to…


Whether we want it or not, a sense of the reality of what underlies these legends is absorbed by us before birth. And no matter how hard a person is…

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saw ghosts

Prophecies of the Yorkshire Witch

Predictions have always interested mankind, but ordinary people have always been admired by the gift of a soothsayer and fear, sometimes turning into hatred. Not passed this cup and Mother Shipton – the legendary prophetess from England.
Life in the small Yorkshire village of Knaresborough flowed peacefully and measured. Only one of its residents – the widow of Agatha Southale confused and disturbed the peace of local residents. For her, the glory of the broken little woman, who did not shy away from seducing someone else’s husband or quarreling with a neighbor because of a trifle, was entrenched for a long time. But it was still half the trouble: Agatha was engaged in a fortuneteering, in fact, she lived on it. Continue reading

Ways of communication of civilizations
Energy matter flows from one region of outer space to another according to certain, but still little known, laws. Information, like the subtlest type of matter, is also capable of…


Unsolved mystery of the 20th century: "The skull of a child of Taung"
Let's continue the series of articles on unsolved mysteries of the 20th century. This time about the found at the beginning of the last century, in 1924, during the excavations…
